
Showing posts from February, 2021

Leaving the Hospital

  Having a baby can be an exhausting experience. Pushing the baby out is only a part of the birth/labor process. It also includes the hours prior to when you’re having contractions, can’t eat, and are completely uncomfortable in your own body. After having a baby, leaving the hospital can be intimidating. While in the hospital you have every resource available to you and you have constant helping hands whether it’s simply going to the bathroom or getting some rest. The nurses are offering to take the baby to the nursery, they’re coming in constantly checking on you and the baby, and they’re making sure you have food to eat. I personally got a lot of assistance with feeding Paisley but other than that I used the supplies given to me to make it through.   As the day came, I was fine but then when I started packing up my room, I had mixed emotions. I was so excited to take my munchkin home, but I was also nervous to be home alone with a newborn. Now I have been keeping babies for...

Breast or Formula Milk? (Breast Feeding Pics Included in Post)

Immediately after giving birth and getting my daughter cleaned up, they gave her to me to work on latching. For me this was a very intimidating and embarrassing process because my baby was little, and my breasts are huge!!! Not to mention I had multiple people trying to help me all at once, which I fully appreciated the help. Nursing can be so many things. It can be painful, it can be uncomfortable, or just something a mother doesn’t want to do for various reasons. All are valid reasons to make whatever decision is best for you when it comes to breastfeeding. I personally really wanted to breastfeed so I had a lactation specialist from the hospital come to my room and assist me with techniques to make sure my baby was getting an adequate intake of food and that she was comfortable enough to feed. We had good success with nipple covers which look somewhat like bottle nipples except they are shaped at the base to fit over your nipples and pumping which seemed to get my daughter full and ...

It's Showtime!!!! (The Birth)

  Alright so at this point we’ve pulled up to Northside Labor and Delivery Center in Sandy Springs. When I tell you that these people were on point. They completed my registration (all things I’d planned to do the week after my baby shower) and once I told the nurse I had begun feeling pressure they rushed me back to a room. At first it was super hectic with nurses and doctors everywhere hooking me up to all types of machines, inserting IVs, and getting me out of my clothes all while I was having contractions. Once they got me settled, they checked me and told me I had already dilated to 4cm and that my daughter was making her entrance into the world THAT DAY! I immediately broke down and went into full blown panic mode. Yall I felt she hadn’t had enough time and she may not be finished developing 😟 !! In that moment my anxiety was through the roof and I was bawling tears of fear. I just wanted my daughter to be okay. Well once the doctor came in to really speak with me, she tol...

So This Baby Wants To Come Out Huh?!

Welp what goes up must come down and apparently what goes in must come out lol or maybe that's just in the case of having a human growing inside of you. Pregnancy was an amazing journey for me personally. Now don't get it twisted, my pregnancy was far from perfect. I was high risk and my first trimester was long and trying but I wouldn't trade the process for the world because it brought me the most perfect gift I could've ever received. Miss Paisley. On a Friday at 35 weeks and 2 days I woke up at 5:30am to get ready for work. As soon as I slid off my bed a big gush of water started running down my legs. Now me being a first-time mother I thought (well really, I convinced myself ha-ha) that I'd pee'd on myself. I went and got in the tub or at least tried to. As soon as I swung my leg over to get in the tub my water broke again and at this time, I was in denial still. I stayed in denial until the contractions started hitting. When i finally stood up out the tub ...

Let's Get This Party Started

Hey guys! So, before I can delay myself again let’s get this show on the road. I've told you a little about myself and why I decided to start this blog. Now let’s get to the fun!!! I want you to know I'm not going in any particular order. One day I may revert to stories from earlier in motherhood and somedays I may speak on current events.       Today I'm going to hit on a super controversial topic when it comes to babies & toddlers... Pacifiers!!! When going through the process of parenthood there are a lot of decisions to be made. Do you want to use disposable diapers or cloth, use pre-made baby food or make your own, breastfeed or formula, and pacifier vs no pacifier? These few topics themselves can be debated on so many levels but at the end of the day it’s a personal choice and no one should be shamed for how they choose to raise their child. At the hospital my child was given a pacifier which I was fully on board with and had every intention of giving ...