It's Showtime!!!! (The Birth)


Alright so at this point we’ve pulled up to Northside Labor and Delivery Center in Sandy Springs. When I tell you that these people were on point. They completed my registration (all things I’d planned to do the week after my baby shower) and once I told the nurse I had begun feeling pressure they rushed me back to a room. At first it was super hectic with nurses and doctors everywhere hooking me up to all types of machines, inserting IVs, and getting me out of my clothes all while I was having contractions. Once they got me settled, they checked me and told me I had already dilated to 4cm and that my daughter was making her entrance into the world THAT DAY! I immediately broke down and went into full blown panic mode. Yall I felt she hadn’t had enough time and she may not be finished developing 😟!! In that moment my anxiety was through the roof and I was bawling tears of fear. I just wanted my daughter to be okay.

Well once the doctor came in to really speak with me, she told me I had to calm down and that my baby was okay. She was honest with me and she told me that it was okay to birth her at 35 weeks. She informed me that they would prepare a NICU team in the room once I began to push just in case my daughter needed to go to the NICU for a bit. Guys, remember my labor started at 5:30am right??? Well after hours of contractions I finally opted for the word people seem to make such a shameful thing these days. I gave in and asked for the EPIDURAL. Getting an epidural or not getting one is a personal choice that only you can make and either way to end goal is to bring a healthy happy baby into this world. I had gone as long as I personally wanted to experiencing contractions. And I don’t know about you, but all my contractions were in my BACK which was horrible. It literally felt like someone was yanking at the structures of my lower back and vajayjay. Yes, I will PG it since this is a public blog. 

Oh, and let’s talk about the doctor checking your cervix. It sounds sooooo simple, but the doctor is literally sticking their whole arm it feels like into your vajayjay and stretching their fingers to feel how dilated you are. Please tell me how it felt for your guys but for me it was not pleasant. Not that she was rough or anything but its uncomfortable. So, finally I get told, “Patrice, it’s show time!!!” The next thing I know there are a million nurses in my rooms switching the room from a regular room to a room with machines, lights, an incubator, and everything else. It got really real at this point. Like this baby was coming out shortly and there was nothing I could do about it. Now multiple people had gotten to the hospital at this point (pre-Covid 19) and were all cleared out to give me some privacy, but I kept three people in the room. My mom, my younger sister, and my cousin. All three had been there with me all day eating in front of my while I saw their staring holes through them eating ice chips lol. Anyways back to the reason were here…. The birth!!!

As I stand there with three of my loved ones staring πŸ‘€πŸ˜³at my vajayjay the doctor sits down and says it’s showtime! All that was running through my mind was how stupid people look in the movies when their doing the most while they were pushing but also wait?! this little person in my belly is about to come out via my vajayjay. Like I’ve got to push her out at that. I’d read about techniques to attempt to lessen or stop the tearing while all this stretching is going on down there. Now my family all have their cameras out and pointed at my bottom side. (embarrassing right?? Lol) Someone tells them that they can’t record only take pictures, but you know how that went right haha? Yeah, we got videos.

Alright…so its lights camera action!!! I start pushing. It wasn’t horrible because of the epidural but I felt the pressure during the last two pushes when her head crowned, and she came out. The room goes SUPER quiet and I don’t hear my baby cry immediately, so I start freaking out. I ask what’s wrong and I see the NICU nurses getting ready to come over but within a couple of seconds, I heard my baby’s first cry! They finally laid her on my chest, and I lost it. I did the UGLY cry 😭 yall. I was sooooo thankful that she was alive and okay. The feeling was like nothing I’d EVER felt in my life. I was overcome with happiness, joy, and love. 😊

Alright yall so I’ll work on a part three to give you the rest of the details but long story short my baby was born beautiful, happy, and healthy. She was born a little underweight but that was nothing we couldn’t fix. Alright mom’s and dad’s it’s your time to shine. Use the comment section to tell me all about your personal birth stories or if your still pregnant how you’re currently feeling about giving birth. What’s your expectations and possibly fears? Comment/Subscribe/Follow/Share!!!

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