
The "Terrible Two's" Stage is Real

Somehow, I thought that I had gotten away with this whole "terrible twos" stage parents speak of. My munchkin was generally so quiet and laid back I just couldn't see her turning up like that. Now don't get me wrong she had her moments when she'd show me just how much she could turn up, but they were very few instances compared to all the things I've heard and seen for myself with two year old's. But as she started getting closer to twenty-four months it was like things just switched. And then when she turned two it just happened overnight. Now if you have no idea what I'm referring to when I say terrible twos lets go over this together. The attitude is number one. It's like my daughter is the wild wild diva of the west all of the sudden. She tells me no and she waves her little finger and will say things like "not nice." Then up next comes the tantrums. Yeah, they just go and go. The way her pediatrician explained it to me is she's u...

Time Away (Thanks For Your Patience)

As a parent sometimes life can become overwhelming. To be honest, that doesn't just go for parents that's for anybody. But when you're a parent you don't have the option of completely shutting down and shutting everyone out. Especially not with young kids. You can cry, you can somewhat withdraw, but at the end of the day you've got to feed, cloth, and care for your creations.  Me personally, I just went through a bout of depression and manic episodes. It was hard having a transitioning two-year-old during this time. I almost cancelled all of her birthday plans because I just couldn't pull myself together. It was taking everything in me just to get through the day making sure I went to work, picked her up, fed her, bathed her, and got her in bed but I made sure I got those things done because as a mother I wasn't going to let my child suffer just because of me. This was a hard two months but I'm finally getting back to myself and I'm so very grateful....

Co-Sleeping vs Sleep Training

  While in the hospital I personally would not let the nurses take my daughter to the nursery. Why? Because I had watched too many shows about people stealing or swapping out babies. Yeah, I know they put the bands on the baby but from what I watched nurses swapped babies or took them too so in my mind if a nurse wanted to take or swap my baby she’d just make a new band and cut off the other one. Yeah I know this is what happens when you watch too many documentaries and Lifetime while pregnant lol. But for real though I was terrified, so I kept Paisley in the room with me. They kept asking if I’d like her to go to the nursery while I slept, and I kept telling them no. They seemed a little shocked at that. In the hospital Paisley either slept in the clear baby holder or in my arms. Now when I got ready to leave, the doctors and nurses made it a point to review a plethora of information about important recommendations for parents going home with a new baby. They go over feeding sch...

The Worry Momster

Doesn’t she look so happy? Not a worry in the world, right?! She is so brave, and I truly admire that about her. Although the world is so big and new to her she wants nothing more than to explore and experiment. I will admit it drives me crazy some days because she doesn’t realize when she’s about to hurt herself, but mommy does and it’s hard for me to let her learn cause and effect on her own. Small things like not paying attention to where she’s walking or jumping off her toys or the couch. It doesn’t bother her when she falls or runs into something and if it does it’s for a minute then she’s right back to it.  Before becoming a parent, I seldom worried about making it home, making it through the day, or just being alive to see what all was coming. I had dreams and aspirations, but I didn’t worry. I planned and tried to be as effective as I could at getting the things I wanted done. Although I’ve experienced death I never thought about my death and how it would affect others. ...

Expectation vs Reality

When that pregnancy test line returns with a plus sign or the words pregnant on the screen unless you are trying to conceive it’s a bit of a shock. I had no idea that I was pregnant or even having pregnancy symptoms. One day when I came home from work, I told my partner that I was not feeling well and after listing off each illness I was feeling his exact words were, “Trice you sure you’re not pregnant.” He told me everything I listed off sounded like a pregnancy symptom and he would know because he had three children from previous relationships. My eyes bucked open as I really thought about it and I got nervous. I laughed it off on the outside while in the inside I was running through the symptoms in my head and comparing them to everything I’d ever read or heard about pregnancy symptoms. Then I realized I might be pregnant.   My immediate thought was to look at when was my last period and go to the store to get a test. After looking at my period calendar I realized oh snap!!! I...

Leaving the Hospital

  Having a baby can be an exhausting experience. Pushing the baby out is only a part of the birth/labor process. It also includes the hours prior to when you’re having contractions, can’t eat, and are completely uncomfortable in your own body. After having a baby, leaving the hospital can be intimidating. While in the hospital you have every resource available to you and you have constant helping hands whether it’s simply going to the bathroom or getting some rest. The nurses are offering to take the baby to the nursery, they’re coming in constantly checking on you and the baby, and they’re making sure you have food to eat. I personally got a lot of assistance with feeding Paisley but other than that I used the supplies given to me to make it through.   As the day came, I was fine but then when I started packing up my room, I had mixed emotions. I was so excited to take my munchkin home, but I was also nervous to be home alone with a newborn. Now I have been keeping babies for...

Breast or Formula Milk? (Breast Feeding Pics Included in Post)

Immediately after giving birth and getting my daughter cleaned up, they gave her to me to work on latching. For me this was a very intimidating and embarrassing process because my baby was little, and my breasts are huge!!! Not to mention I had multiple people trying to help me all at once, which I fully appreciated the help. Nursing can be so many things. It can be painful, it can be uncomfortable, or just something a mother doesn’t want to do for various reasons. All are valid reasons to make whatever decision is best for you when it comes to breastfeeding. I personally really wanted to breastfeed so I had a lactation specialist from the hospital come to my room and assist me with techniques to make sure my baby was getting an adequate intake of food and that she was comfortable enough to feed. We had good success with nipple covers which look somewhat like bottle nipples except they are shaped at the base to fit over your nipples and pumping which seemed to get my daughter full and ...