
Showing posts from June, 2021

Time Away (Thanks For Your Patience)

As a parent sometimes life can become overwhelming. To be honest, that doesn't just go for parents that's for anybody. But when you're a parent you don't have the option of completely shutting down and shutting everyone out. Especially not with young kids. You can cry, you can somewhat withdraw, but at the end of the day you've got to feed, cloth, and care for your creations.  Me personally, I just went through a bout of depression and manic episodes. It was hard having a transitioning two-year-old during this time. I almost cancelled all of her birthday plans because I just couldn't pull myself together. It was taking everything in me just to get through the day making sure I went to work, picked her up, fed her, bathed her, and got her in bed but I made sure I got those things done because as a mother I wasn't going to let my child suffer just because of me. This was a hard two months but I'm finally getting back to myself and I'm so very grateful....